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add API to collect web player user session information

Customer wants to collect web player user session information(as shown in attached screeshot) via API, to automate web player instance shutdown&restart only if no user is opening any dxp on it.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 Future Consideration

draw lines in barchart by categories

Customer wants to draw lines in barchart by categories as attached screenshot.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

To Add one option to get "Current filter only" for bar-chart to be scaled automatically instead of going with more 5 clicks for scaling bar-chart automatically while using Auto-bin Column

Hi, In quantile plot, after data has been filtered out, the plot is updated and the x axis automaticallyscaled to reflect the filter data. This is our preferred behavior. However in Bar chart, the x axis scale remains the same base on all data. ...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

improve whitelisting capabilities

We have trouble getting whitelisting work for us. We need photos to be included in reports on the one hand, some internet sites to be made accessible on the other. There are different security requirements for these, but the security requirements ...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

Map chart: Line connector does not cross dateline, it should?

When visualizing flight paths or shipping routes, the lines don't cross the dateline, so instead of crossing the pacific ocean the line gets drawn across the entire world (Europe/Asia). This hardly makes any sense, and unfortunately limits the use...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration

IFERROR Function

Adding a IFERROR function (similar to the one in Excel). This helps when analyzing data and prevent dividing by zero issue.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Custom Expressions 0 Future Consideration

Need an API to read Email (optional field) attached to each user

when defining a new user, we have an optional field called email that we need to use it especially when we are in cloud where we don't have a domain and we need to send an email for the user or use his email .
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / API 2 Future Consideration

Teradata connector to support OAuth/OIDC

When connecting to Teradata using the Spotfire connector, there should be an option to use OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. It is expected to have a SSO experience when using the same identity provider for Teradata ...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Likely to implement

set public address for each spotfire server node separately

Please allow to set public address for each spotfire server node separately. For example there are 2 servers in 1 spotfire environment working as a cluster, but there is no load balancer in front of these server, so we need to set public address...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 2 Future Consideration

Create a way to identify and/or clean up unused objects in Spotfire DXP (Calculated columns, Property Controls)

This could be a multi-level feature: Option 1 – Flag whether the column/ Property Control is used in any other Column, Property Control, Viz, Data function Answers the question: will something in the report break if I delete this object? Example:...
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 1 Future Consideration