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Edit table column names without changing the column properties

Almost all visualizations allow expressions and display names for column names. Even though Table visualization allows user to select columns it does not allow him/her to enter separate display name for every column. Instead, Spotfire manual sugge...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 5 Future Consideration

Add ability to change label font color independently of other font colors

I would like the ability to change the color of labels within a plot independently of the color of the other fonts. For example, have the axis labels be black but the label colors blue.
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Future Consideration

Stop Analyst from stealing Windows' focus

When opening Spotfire, or when executing something that has "progress", it steals the focus from WindowsOS multiple times. This is very disruptive for the user. While it loads I want to be able to surf the web, write e-mails or whatever my work de...
11 months ago in Spotfire / User Experience 2 Needs Info

Allow Doc Property Selectors to Limit to Filtered Values

Imagine you have a text area with a document property selector. This selector is picking up unique values in some column. The user has previously filtered out many or most of these values, but they still show up in the document property selector. ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 5 Future Consideration

ODATA connector to support OAUTH Authentication

At present Spotfire OData connector, currently it does not support OAUTH authentication and the only supported authentications are a.Anonymous b.Username and Password (Basic) c.Windows Authentication d.Microsoft Azure Marketplace
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 1 Likely to implement

Add the ability to format the date fields used on chart axis

The main reason for this request is for charts visualising data on a weekly level. Currently, only the week number is available; it would be nice if there were some formatting options for this i.e. instead of week number show the first day of the ...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 3 Already exists

Text Area slider needs to be data driven - min/max via expression

I need to set the Text Area slider control min and max values dynamically based on data properties. Can you allow those values to be set via an Expression? It sounds pretty simple.
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Text Area 0 Future Consideration

Vector based export of visualizations

should be able to export visualizations into a vector based image. This would mean that the image can be imported into dedicated drawing applications for further enhancement, and that the image can be used for fine printing and publications.
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Export 1 Future Consideration

Please add APis to retrieve metadata like connection string of data source and other information of data source

CUrrently, we have usecase for data catalog to retrieve information of a dashboard like the data tables used, data sources relevant and the connect info. But we do not see the DXP having this info and there are no underlying APIs to extract such m...
11 months ago in Spotfire / API 0 Future Consideration

Fix for overlapping line labels in Line Chart

When labels are selected for the identification of different lines, some may overlap and are therefore unreadable!
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Future Consideration