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Spotfire Statistica

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Add options to adjust workspace node icon and name size (or workspace scaling in general)

Workspace with a lot of nodes are sometimes confusing to hande, for those it would be helpful to adjust scaling or change the size of node (and their titles) to get a better overview of the workflow.
about 1 year ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Missing data code may result in incorrect analysis

Statistica uses a potentially error prone approach for representing missing values. “-999999998” is the default missing value for doubles. If you enter that numeric value into a cell, it becomes a missing value and will not be analyzed correctly. ...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Ability to configure Webstatistica url for login to Statistica Server

The WebStatistica url points to the default http link instead of the secured link (https) when logging into Statistica Server. There should be a way to change the configuration of the url. An example would be, Biogen uses secured links (HTTPS). Si...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Improved user interface for nodes

Statistica could benefit from a reorganization of its nodes. While much functionality is available, it is difficult for a new user to use the current node browser (if they do not know which algorithm they will use yet) or navigate through the tabs...
about 1 year ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Advanced options for display format of characteristics in data entry

Calculated values in data entry will show up with a lot of decimals. It would be great to have advanced options to reduce the display format of characteristics.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Execute external worskpace node

When you run a workspace that references and external workspace, and you edit the external workspace the edits are not realised if you rerun the execute external workspace node whilst the primary workspace remains in edit mode. You need to close d...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Allow Piece Labels to be searched in WDE search function. Currently only sample labels can be searched on.

Allow Piece Labels to be searched in WDE search function. Currently only sample labels can be searched on.
over 4 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Web Data Entry: Add an option to have system view folders already expanded after the login

Web Data Entry users of customer would like this option in order to save time navigating to the respective folders.
over 3 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Email test button for SMTP test in Statistica Enterprise

Email test button for SMTP test in Statistica Enterprise (System Options>>Mail Notifications). This would simplify testing. This would test if smtp mail works from within Statistica Enterprise.
7 months ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Allow all OSI PI nodes to use PI Server Time

The current OSI PI integration with Statistica was designed under the assumption that the Statistica application would be located in the same time zone as the PI Server. All the PI nodes using the PI and AF SDK are by default set to use the local ...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed