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Make memory consumption of visualizations visible

When working with "big data" it is important to keep memory requirements under control and oftentimes it is necessary to optimize analyses to reduce memory needs. There is actually two main sources driving Spotfire's memory needs: The size of the ...
3 months ago in Spotfire / Data Management 6 Needs Info
107 VOTE

Spotfire Analyst - Add multiple data tables at once

Spotfire 7.11 had the possibility to add several data tables at once (Information Links, files or others). Spotfire 10.3 does not have this possibility anymore. Very fast in 10.3 if only one data table needs to be added. Very inefficient when man...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 2 Future Consideration
176 VOTE

Table and column auto-width, min-width and in-column search

Currently tables in Spotfire look very ugly, not user friendly, have static widths and always laden with scrollbars and no built-in search functionality. Our users didn't want to use them. If you look at jQuery dataTables as an example of what a m...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Future Consideration

disable users from draging the boudary to resize visualizations

Customers is requesting for the ability to disable users from draging the boudary to resize visualizations.
19 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration
140 VOTE

Load Parquet, ORC and Avro data files from Amazon S3 and HDFS

Spotfire should be able to connect to and read Parquet, ORC and Avro files from Amazon S3 and HDFS.
almost 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 8 Future Consideration
101 VOTE

Snowflake web authentication support

The Spotfire connector for Snowflake should support browser based federated authentication login to Snowflake, for example via Okta. Integration with Azure AD is expected as well.
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 9 Planning to implement

Allow any type of authentication for the SharePoint connector; now, Spotfire only supports OAuth2.

Customers are trying to configure their Azure AD for SAML authentication, but the Spotfire SharePoint connector does not support this.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration
100 VOTE

Support for Clickhouse of column-oriented database

we are currently storing analysis data in the ClickhouseDB, want to create an environment for analysis using BI tool. As we know, Clickhouse has a JDBC Driver ( ), but Spotfire doesn't support Clickhou...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

allow modify table style via API

Please allow modify table style via API (IronPython script), i.e. all operations available in the context menu when clicking table header. e.g. changing header's or value's background color, text coler, etc. Thanks.
20 days ago in Spotfire / API 1 Future Consideration
165 VOTE

Ability to work simultaneously on a dxp and merge afterwards

We have cases where several developers work on different tabs of the same dxp file. This creates a challenge in combining the work afterwards. Especially if new document properties, IP scripts, calculated columns have been introduced, you more or ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 6 Future Consideration