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Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2016

Library Version Control

We've had numerous issues with advanced Spotfire reports being created, and then being handed off to less technically proficient users for the maintenance of documentation and presentation details. Then background calculations are modified or options such as data-on-demand caching are disabled, but the less technical user overwrites this report thinking it is no different.
The typical complaint for no version control also occurs often, where two users are modifying it at the same time (and it is a rather minor modification where they don't want to modify the Spotfire version explicitly via naming conventions), with one of them overwriting others work.
These can both be handled with better communication, but it seems odd that we need to resort to external tools to maintain version cleanliness, have a large pool of distinct analyses for all of the versions, or only allow a single person to touch the tree which includes the version that will actually be deployed.

Implemented in 12.0
    Jul 12, 2022


    I'm happy to announce that library version history has been implemented in Spotfire 12.0 LTS.

    You can now browse saved analysis versions and go back to any previously saved version (either to restore the version, or to save a previous version as a new file) in the Spotfire library.

    Version history reduces the need to redo work if mistakes are made, facilitates collaboration and troubleshooting, and provides change traceability.

    Version history is available, not only for analysis files, but for all the visible Spotfire library items, like data sources, data functions, color schemes, SBDF files, mods, automation service jobs, etc.

    This means that, if you are working in teams, it is easier to work together on different parts of the same analysis, tracking changes and resolving conflicts for each separate part on its own, if you choose to work this way.

    For more information, see the What's new in Spotfire 12.0 LTS and the release notes and product documentation.


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  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2021

    Its been a year since the last tibco comment here, is there a timeline on this feature?

  • Guest
    Sep 28, 2021

    Please consider below scenario for implementing version control in spotfire next releases .

    one of the biggest problems we are currently seeing is that when we start a process to renew a new report. They work in one report the whole time, and sometimes with different people. Hence, we think it is really dangerous, bc if for example someone accidentally removes something they cannot go to a earlier version of that report. Hence, we would like to know if we can have something in place that could solve that problem (version control / pipelines)

  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2021

    Please also consider big setups and the impact on the database, don't want to have double or triple the database size suddenly. Also how would this work with embedded/stored data in a report?

    Would be great if this could be limited, like the last 4 versions in a global setting.

  • Guest
    May 26, 2021


    I guess on top of version control it would be great to have means to merge branched versions back together. Similar to what is described in the original text as a coincidence ("two user are modifying it at the same time") oftentimes two developers work on different features to be added to an already complex analysis. Without the option to merge the two versions back together these development tasks have to be serialized costing lots of time.

    Would be great to learn if this is part of the planned feature... and what time line it has ;-)?

    Thanks, Mark

  • Guest
    Mar 24, 2021

    Can anyone provide a status on this? There are many customers that want to see it.

  • Admin
    Miguel Díez
    Mar 2, 2021

    Hi Muhammad,

    For EPAM pricing you need to contact EPAM sales. EPAM is a separate company, it does not belong to TIBCO.


  • Guest
    Feb 8, 2021


    I want to know the cost of EPAM and is there is any discount available for Spotfire partners also is there is any trial version of EPAM available ???

  • Admin
    Miguel Díez
    Nov 5, 2020

    Hi all,

    We at TIBCO Spotfire understand that this is one of the most wanted features.

    We are working on the usability aspects of teams working together with the same analysis or reusable components and we intend to provide support for the use cases around it in our product.

    This has been communicated in our latest Statement of Direction.

    Thanks for your interest.

  • Guest
    Oct 1, 2020

    It has been 4 years and seems there has been no progress from Tibco. Please update if anything is there or in future planing.

  • Guest
    Sep 18, 2020

    One comment - if you change the extension of a .dxp file to .zip and unzip it, you can see the XML configuration of your visualization. It would be great if the Version control were able to explain what changed from one version of the visualization to the next, in addition to who/when/why it was change.

    Besides being able to version control Visualizations and Information Links, it would be beneficial to also allow deploying visualizations from the control repository to a production environment library, allowing a DevOps/CI-CD pipeline where production deployment is controlled by committing the change to a specific area on the source control.

  • Guest
    May 4, 2020

    Crazy thing here Tibco. EPAM charges more money for the version control than Tibco charges for spotfire itself!! Guys why are you outsourcing this? Should it really cost me $30k for spotfire version control? Build this in house and charge us a reasonable amount for it please!

  • Guest
    Oct 16, 2019

    We at Change healthcare are facing this issue and would like to request this feature as well.

  • Guest
    Sep 4, 2019

    A user with Statistica Enterprise and Spotfire may deploy their dxp files to Statistica and that would version dxp files. See attached image

  • Guest
    Aug 13, 2018
     Multiple dxp files - Version control
    The standard best practices that developers should be using to maintain their multiple dxp files ?
  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2018

    I think that would undermine their partnership with EPAM wouldn’t it? We met with the EPAM guys (via Skype) and the tool seems very effective, although their cost model is such that, in my view, it makes most sense for enterprises to use it rather than consulting firms that might do work on client systems. Definitely worth considering if you have enterprise-level deployments and a team of analysts.

  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2018

    I was just thinking, if company like EPAM is able to deliver a solution such as Version Control in a short amount of time, cannot you contract their devs who are already familiar with your technology to help you with development of most voted feature requests? This would allow you to concentrate on your vision and make customers happy

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2018

    Was the webinar recorded? The day and time was changed and I missed it.

    Diana Banas
    412 406 5883 (P) | 412 580 5366 (M) |

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2018

    There will be a webinar today around version controling:

    Best regards,


  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2018

    I would like to see some sort of versioning implemented, particularly for dxp files saved in the library. We have a number of power users who edit dxp files for their colleagues/teams, from time to time mistakes do get made and it can be a lot of work for someone else (often me) to fix.

  • Guest
    Feb 22, 2018

    Also interested in this idea. Any news about it?

  • Load older comments

Add version control/handling to reports.

No description provided
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Implemented

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almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Library 1 Implemented