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Disable Sorting in a Cross table

When marking the labels on rows it is rearranging the columns and need an option to disable this behavior so it does not rearrange the rows. Users click on the labels get confused why it rearranges the data.
"When end user is trying to mark data, we would like the sorting to be disable so that when clicking on the first column does not arrange the other rows, in this case nursing unit. This should be an option under properties so that an author can enable or disable the sorting on the rows as needed."

See attached. Note that, even though 'None' is selected for both Row & Column sorting, the sorting still happens upon clicking.

Implemented in 7.6
    Oct 28, 2016

    In Spotfire 7.6 clicking on a header in the cross table displays a menu where the user can select whether they want to mark the rows/columns or sort them. 

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