If in DXP we had the capability to add multiple shapefiles, then choose which shapefile to interact with the data, this would help our I enormously. Most of them do not have the capability to create my own shapefiles so are not be able to derive full benefit from our map visualization. We had the capability in our old MapExplorer application to view several layers of shapefiles though. More comments from Phil: My concern with sharing shapefiles from ESRI am that unless I are found 'free' on the internet, we are not allowed to distribute them to I. As I have the ArcGIS software I can in theory generate any shapefile I like (doesn't work technically for me though) but I cannot legally give these to I. I may need to double-check this. The problem with most free shapefiles that I find is that I are typically only single-attribute. For example, you may find a shapefile of cities of the world, or one with country polygons, but never a shapefile with both.