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Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 8, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-263 Shared scales in line chart, combination chart and bar chart.

Select to show Y-axis labels Merged

When creating a chart with multiple bars or lines, for every y-value the axis labels are shown. Even when the scale is the same for all different y-values. You can use a trick to change the format of some of the y-values to get rid of the y-axis label of that value. But when you use that trick the values at the lines of bars also disappear.

I would like to select per y-value if the corresponding y-axis labels shall be visible or not, and decouple this from the y-value labels shown in the graph itself

Implemented in 10.9
  • Admin
    Tobias Lehtipalo
    Jun 9, 2016

    got it. Thanks. I merged your requests into the previous one. 

  • Guest
    Jun 9, 2016

    Hi Tobias,

    Yes, that exactly what i mean.

    The problem is that i have a combination chart containing 4 bars and 6 line series. the left y-axis is the axis for the bar charts. I've made sure that the scale are the same for all bars. This end up having the left y-axis showing 4 times the same number (with the colours) of the series. Since they all use the same scale i would like to see one set of y-axis scale labels.

    On the rigth y-axis the situation is even worse because that scale is used for the 6 lines series in the chart. They all have the same scale, so the axis shows 6 times the same numbers.

    I know that if I format some of the series to "custom" and type a <space> character in the input field that the y-axis labels for that series are showing space(so we don't see anymore labels for that series. However that means that in the graph itself you cannot show the bar/line labels for these series anymore.

    I see that there is another idea named "Allow two series to use the same y-axis" that seems to have the same subject.


    greetz Ed

  • Admin
    Tobias Lehtipalo
    Jun 8, 2016

    Ed, can you share some examples of what data you have and what you want the resulting graph and scales to look like? Are you looking for the ability to just have to y-axis scales and tie different groups of expressions to these scales instead of having one scale per expression?