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Scrollable Pages and/or Different Visualization area size per page

It is Currently a nightmare to try to create a nicely formatted report on a single tab and have other tab be interactive dashboard. For example, if i want to print a page that looks exactly as it does on my screen to a legal paper, I have to set my visualization area size to 1056 X 16323 (Which changes all my tabs), re-adjust all visuals, then screen shot or print from webplayer since the current export resizes everything and does not keep document theme. Also if the report has a scrolling datatable,the table will get cutoff. Currently the only way to do this is making the visualization area longer, I think having the option to make a page scroll able into 2+ pages will be nice and having the option to adjust the visualization area size separately for each tab

Implemented in 7.7
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    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Nov 14, 2016

      Solved in Spotfire 7.7 through

    • Guest
      Jul 4, 2016

      Cadeon Inc. has a custom extension developed for better HTML and PDF printing out of Spotfire. Please refer to the following link: We're happy to schedule a demo to show the capabilities of this extension.