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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 28, 2018

Statistica Workspaces should provide better options to control outputs - 1. option to route output but not to draw lines 2. possibility of multiple output collectors

1/ Allow the connection lines from nodes to the "Reporting Dcouments" node NOT to be drawn

Even modestly complex workspaces very quickly become visually cluttered due to the fact that all graphs/analysis nodes which produce results draw lines connecting the node to the Results workbook. Much cleaner interface for use would be if a workspace-scope option "do not draw lines to the output" was available. If something happens "always" (or almost always) it should not be drawing too much attention or mention (like those lines do).

2/ Allow mutliple output sink nodes in the worksspace and changing which one is the default results and specifying for each node the 

For interactive analyses sometimes one would like to separate results in separate workbooks/reports - can we add multiple output collectors and give them an option to be the "default outputs sink" (only one of the several obviousl), and make the "results reporting" nodes in the workspace aware of which of the outputs.

Perhaps this can be achieved by adding to each node a tab with "results management" options ?

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