When a Spotfire Analyst need to manage his documents (Information Link, or DXP file), ans don't have Administration Library right, he has nothing to manager his document. (Rename, Move, Delete, Search, etc...)
Could it be possible to have a simple interface in the Analyst Client to do so ?
Even 3 similar ideas [ https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-8317 / https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-6123 / https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/SPF-I-4970 ] and my new one [ https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-8937 ].
Fully agree as well!
Found 2 similar ideas [ https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-6123 / https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/SPF-I-4970 ] and created a new one [ https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-8937 ] to give this requirements some more attention and ask TIBCO (users) if it's maybe already possible with new user groups in existing Licenses.
Yes, our users generate a lot of content and find it difficult to manage (delete, move, rename) analyses and other files. The operations available to ordinary users (not members of Library Administrator group) are quite limiting as Virginie says.
An improved interface that supports bulk operations would be a useful improvement.