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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2022

Create Local Administrators, so that Analysts can manage access to their libraries

We would like to give Spotfire Analysts the responsibility to add users and/or user groups themselves, so they can manage their own user groups and/or library permissions.

Looking at the differences of the Administrator and Analyst Licenses the permissions to do so, seems to be the ‘Administration’ and ‘Library Administration’ items in the TIBCO Spotfire Administrator license.
Looking at the licenses structure, it looks like those rights are everything or nothing, is that correct?

If so, then the authorizations we’re looking for don’t seem to be possible at the moment. Do you think the structure can be changed easily to make it possible to give those responsibilities to Analysts in the near future?

Having read some other ideas about this [ / / / ], I maybe found a way to make this work with the current possibilities.
=> TIBCO (users), please confirm if that could work.

You need to

  1. create a new role (e.g. Local Admin) and give that role ONLY the ‘Administration’ and ‘Library Administration’ items in the TIBCO Spotfire Administrator license.

  2. create a new user group (in an existing one that contains Consumer and Analyst user groups as well, e.g. COM_MarketAnalysiSx [x = Local Admin role, extra permissions]).

  3. add that user group to the 'Local Admin'-role

  4. add users to the new x-user group.

  5. add the role Local Admin to all folders (via a script?!?)

In that way, the users in a x-user group can only manage the user groups and folders they have access to via other user groups.

  • Attach files

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