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In Box Plot, set the Reference Points by expressions

In the reference point of a box plot, there are cases where I would like to set values that is not the default. 
It is very useful to be able to set the Reference Points by expressions.
For example, +/-3sigma process capability and etc. can be displayed as "Show real data points in box plot".

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    • Guest
      Feb 15, 2022

      you could use line and curves and use percentile 5, for example.

    • Guest
      Mar 6, 2019

      The quartiles shown in the Box Plot cannot be modified to reverse the order. For example: if I have values ranging from 1-10, my first quartile of values shows up between 1-3 second between 4-6. However, I want the better number which is 8-10 to be the first quartile and so on so forth. There is no way to customize these existing reference points.