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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 13, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-263 Shared scales in line chart, combination chart and bar chart.

Another option for charts to have Y axis with Primary and Secondary Axis with single scale each Merged

In a nutshell, this is default behavior for many other software charting applications and I'm really surprised Tibco hasn't added this feature yet.

My proposal: There should be an in-between feature for Y-axis charts where "One axis with a single scale" is too condensed and "Multiple Scales" blows everything up. We need something like "Two axis with single respective scales". Frequently in my industry, we have multiple variables that are well correlated but exhibit different trends, like hydrocarbon production over time with water production and/or injection, and these are normally displayed on a Left Axis in Log scale as Volume per Month. Then right axis is Well Count over time, in a Linear scale. Okay so you may say "why wouldn't the multiple scales work?" Reasonable question - but there is frequently a correlation between age of a production area, and increasing water or gas production relative to oil production, and by constraining everything to a single scale gives a sense for Facilities and Engineering team members of longer term production trends (mental extrapolation). Putting everything on it's own scale destroys this visual trend. So now we have 2 options - hard code the Min and Max range in Spotfire, which is not ideal because then it doesn't resize based on the selection (for example, if I want to look at one well's production vs. a whole field). So we take option 2 - export all this data to Excel to make a nice chart for presentations.

I should mention that we do this about 3 or 4 times a month, and it's really annoying. Spotfire is supposed to be the one-stop shop for visualizations, so having to revert back to the trusty Excel graph feels like putting wooden tires on my car for Sunday drives.

Hopefully this is obvious to everyone reading, if not I'm happy to make some examples, let me know.

I found this question at least once in the Community site with no real feedback:

Implemented in 10.9