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Make Web Player file GUID placement in Document Properties and Save As - Published configurable

Our Spotfire Library is organized around departments and functions, before delving into projects and users. As our Library grows, and our organization evolves, departments change names and are reorganized into new departments. We cannot just change names on folders because then our web player file URLs will break, since they rely on file paths. Try the save as - publish to Library feature - it emails out file paths to recipients.

The document properties > library fields for client and web player URLs should be configurable to include file GUIDs instead of only file path - makes it easy to copy out and share. Why force the user to go to open or save dialogs to get the proper URL? 

The save as - published dialog should also be configurable to use file GUIDs for both client and web player. Currently they are not configurable and when one chooses to send an email (the most popular option), only the client URL uses the GUID. The web player uses the file path, and this will break when files change locations in the library.

That would be a huge improvement.

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