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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Automation Services
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 13, 2017

Automation Services insert dynamic date in body/subject of email

We have create a job that send email containing information about day before.
We reached to show into the subject of the email the date of current time using "{date}" . We need to show into the subject the date of day before running.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 22, 2020

    Based on users requirements, it is really required to have flexibility of custom format in Subject Mail as sometime , users are looking for date in specific format ,sometime there is demand to show yesterday date.

    Request you to kindly take it in consideration.

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2017

    If the system added {date-1} this would solve this problem.

    While adding these why not also add others like {processing_time} to report how long the job took to run.

    I am sure there are others that could be useful.

  • Guest
    Jun 14, 2017

    This would be useful to set a custom date in subject and body. For example, if we wanted day before date (i.e. yesterday), this could be done using a function like AddDate({date},-1).


    Please consider to implement TIBCO!


Change font of email send by Automation Services

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about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Automation Services 0 Future Consideration