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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 22, 2017

Need ability to retrieve all columns in a table through information link (Select * from table) rather than adding individual columns to the information designer

In most cases, we use all the columns from a table or view to be source for spotfire through an information link. Any new column addition in the back end table or any column data type modification will NOT automatically propagate to the information link created and manual process required. Need an option to select all the columns (Select * from table or view) to over come this issue.

Case : 01526276 raised for this request earlier.

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    • Guest
      Sep 25, 2017

      A possible solution for now could be to create a stored procedure that e.g. accepts a table name as input and returns select * from that table (and when you add that procedure to the Information Model, for the result columns, select "Include all result columns"). 

      ...and of course make sure to take any steps you consider necessary in the procedure itself to prevent it from being used to do anything but what it's intended for.