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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Maps
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 2, 2017

Custom Interactive Shape Files to define and work with AOIs

We use interactive shape files in many different applications to define Areas of Interest. It would be nice to be able to (1) import an existing ESRI shape file into Spotfire (so we're using the same defined area in all our programs), (2) draw a shape and export it as a georectified polygon, and (3) use said shape files to define/visualize AOIs and select the data that lies within the boundaries of the shape.

Right now, in order to make a shape file interactive with the data, you have to have a relationship between the shape and the data you're trying to retrieve. We need the shape file to be the selection tool, much like the Square, Lasso, and Circle are now. But we'd like to be able to use customized shapes over and over again and keep them on our map visualization to easily switch between AOIs and projects. 

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    • Guest
      Feb 5, 2019

      I would piggy back off this comment and say that I would like the functionality described in point #3 above.  This is functionality that is becoming increasingly common in mapping analytics tools by some of Spotfire's competitors in the energy space.  The reason it is so valuable to upstream and midstream companies is we typically deal with complex areas of interest (acreage positions) that can be uploaded onto maps as shp files.

      The current pain point is that these areas of interest cannot be used as filters on a map.  For example, if I uploaded my acreage position and wanted to only select the wells that lay inside the shp file boundaries. Users must manually select data within the area of interest which is very time consuming and leads to selection errors.

    • Guest
      Nov 9, 2017

      Not exactly. The 1,2,3 was a sequence of events. You can already import Shapes into Spotfire, but they're not usable as selection tools. What I want is to use shape files as selection tools, and to be able to export those customized shape files if I do draw them in Spotfire. So you might have two feature requests.... shapes as selection tools, and the ability to draw custom shapes.

    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Nov 9, 2017

      Thank you Roz for submitting this Idea. I see 3 features requests there:

      1. Ability to use a Feature Layer as selection tool for under/over lying layers
      2. Ability to draw a custom Feature Layer right from the map
      3. Ability to edit an existing Feature Layer shape right from the map