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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 14, 2017

Enable automatic marking of rows with same value as point directly selected for marking

We would like to have the ability for all rows in a table that contain the same value in a particular column as the rows that have been selected for marking to also be marked. There would need to be added the ability to specify which column in the table contains the values that should be used for linking. This feature would enable tables where the data is unpivoted and multiple visualizations are created (e.g. using trellising) to have the correlated points on the other visualizations to be marked when a specific point on one visualization is marked. For example, if you have a table with columns "Batch Number", "Parameter Name" and "Parameter Value" and you create line charts with "Batch Number" as the x-axis and "Parameter Value" as the y-axis with trellising on the "Parameter Name", if a user selects the data point associated with "Batch Number" "A12345 on one chart, the data points associated with "A12345" on the other charts should also be marked.

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