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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 24, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-6062 Add favorites to access Spotfire library files quicker .

Allow users to pin folder shortcuts Merged

Individual users can create their own folders to store DXPs in our Spotfire library.  Unfortunately, those folders start 3 levels deep because of how it is organized.  It would be really helpful if users had a way to jump to their folder or otherwise "shortcut" to a folder path.  

Implemented in 12.5
  • Guest
    Aug 16, 2019

    I agree. This would be an awesome feature. In 10.3 version, same as we have recently accessed dashboard, would be nice to access pinned folders.