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Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 12, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-7095 Redesign Spotfire X launch screen.

Browse Library dialog in 10.3 needs to show all/more filename, and other issues Merged

The 10.3 library dialog flyout needs work - it's marginally useful at the moment. I have railed elsewhere about the misuse of whitespace, but right now I need to focus on one important problem. Too little space is given to the file title. For longer names, and those that repeat because Spotfire has no file versioning native, I have to resort to looking (squinting) at a tooltip for each individual file to see the entire file name, and then hope I remember what I've just seen as I go down the list of truncated file names. Look at the image I've attached. I need a particular "D42 Cost Template with historic....", file which I cannot see because maybe it's too important to have that awful "This is Spotfire" splash screen and useless graphic constantly displayed.  Or I need to see that it's an Analysis even though there is a thumbnail pic also shown. This is very annoying and unsettling when I think of all my users confronting this same problem.

I am sorry for the negativity and tone, but this GUI is really a step back. It makes it harder to find what I am looking for.  Certainly not any easier.  And as I said before, I want the file size, author modifier and dates - this stuff is important. Not a silly "This is Spotfire" link and useless graphic. I want more than lists of only 25 items per screen. I don't believe that I have to ask for this. 





Also, can the list of categories below in the page be a little more representative of reality?    What about adding "Admin"? Or even "Visualizations"? 

Implemented in 10.8
  • Guest
    Dec 16, 2019

    Thanks for the tip Nicklas. My assessment still stands, however. Making the flyout larger does help. But, it makes all the thumbnails of files blurry, which just looks bad. Also having the date under the filename is distracting, and makes comparing files by date difficult, even when they are sorted. 


  • Admin
    Niklas Amberntsson
    Dec 13, 2019

    Hi JP, while I agree there is more work to be done on the library flyout, you can make the flyout wider by dragging its right edge it to the right. Hopefully this lets you see the entire file name, like in the gif video I attached. Let me know if it works for you.