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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Already exists
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 20, 2020

Add error message-stack trace to Web Player errors.

We used to have this feature before 10.3. Can we please get it back?

When a user encounters a problem trying to open a file on the Web Player, the error notification does not contain any stack trace or helpful diagnostics. Only, a completely useless "Reopen Analysis" button and an equally useless "Close Analysis" button is available. What would change if you try to reopen?

See attached image. The report to admin message should include a stack trace. It does not. In the good old days, the trace was available right there in the dialog. Can this be put back into the product? This is another step back in usability of the product.

thank you


  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 12, 2020

    Hi Miguel,

    Maybe - why should this not be enabled by default? What are the security reasons?


  • Admin
    Miguel Diez
    May 18, 2020

    Hi JP,

    Is this setting sufficient to help you on web player diagnosis ?



  • Guest
    Apr 21, 2020

    Hello JP,

    There is a setting for this ("includeDetailedErrorInformation") in Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config. See manual:

    Note: As described in the manual: "Set to true to enable detailed error information, like call stacks in messages to end users. For security reasons this should not be enabled by default."

