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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Data Management
Created by Guest
Created on May 28, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-6240 Allow a Cross Table to be a "virtual data table" .

Crosstab as Datasource Merged


An interesting point would be the possibility of using the data from a cross table as an input to be used later, let me explain.

For example, I have a data table of 100 million records in a database, and I have a filter to define the period of the data I want to work on, but this information (100m) is external data that is not imported into Spotfire and will be used for feed the cross table I'm building with this filter.

This cross table will summarize the data and generate an aggregate dynamically table with much fewer records, I would like this generated table to be made available in memory, so that this subset could be used later in the construction of other objects.

Today the only way to do this is through Python and I would like it to be a native feature.

This feature will enable agility in development and also in data processing of the dashboard.
