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Refresh with Prompt doesn't exist in Spotfire 10

For data prompt retrieve window function, it is much more helpful with refresh with prompt. In SPF10 we have to check “Prompt for new setting” before reload data, and then uncheck it before save template since Web player and AS do not support prompt window.

This is also going to be a problem if we have big number of data tables where we will need to do this manually. Is there any straight way to uncheck this option for all tables at once.

Even with enabling “Prompt for new setting before loading” before reload data, it won’t open data transformation setting window. We have to go to Data canvas to edit the data transformation setting!

Can this be added to Spotfire 10 to have back the refresh with prompt function maybe in the data canvas or in data table properties window, so we'll not be needing to enable/disable the refresh with prompt option manually every time?

For more information about the use case, please refer to TIBCO support Case_ID:01930428.

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