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Provide ability to replicate a visualization across pages

A common VIZ may be required across several pages in a complex analysis. Each needs to be separately configured and managed.
Especially with a Text area that may be common, it would be nice to be able to design this once, and with an "Apply to pages" option, have it present on any other selected pages. Then it could be common and edited from each page as necessary.

Sizing on each page would be the only point that would be page specific but all elements.

    • Today we have to "Duplicate Visualization"

    • Turn on Title Bar if it was off

    • Drag duplicate to another page

    • Edit it separately n times in the future on m pages if we want it common.

Stretch goal. It would be nice to be able to 'Import' a text VIZ from the library or another analysis. :)

(A corporate template with text, Action buttons, background that could then diverge with filters etc on new analysis development)

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