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Tooltip Slider Should have a NUMBER associated with it

When adding an image popup via tooltip, there is a slider which we can use to adjust the size of the image. But it would be very helpful to have a number associated with the slider position. For example, the slider all the way to the left (smallest image size) would be a "1", or better yet a "1.0", and the slider all the way to the right (largest image size) would be a "100", or better yet a "100.0". We rely on this tooltip image popup to display scope shots for each data point. We want the image to be as big as possible to be able to see details, but not exceed the available screen space. Using the slider is cumbersome and often requires iteration to get the right image size. If we could type in the number, that would be quite helpful. As it is the slider is too coarse. But having the ability to use the slider or type in the number would be helpful, and it would help if the resolution of the number was 1 in 1000, or at least 1 in 100.

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