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Retain the formatted HTML code when changing the text area

If you style a page in an analysis using HTML and then make and save any changes in the text area, the HTML code is then no longer formatted. All lines are no longer indented. This makes the HTML code illegible. Please keep the format.
5 days ago in Spotfire / Text Area 0 To be Reviewed

Enable Execution of Database Statements in (Custom) Queries

If one fires a custom query, Spotfire builds a SELECT * FROM () around the query. This means that only queries with a SELECT statement are supported. However, I often have the case that I want to use other SQL statements. For example, the statemen...
5 days ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 To be Reviewed
105 VOTE

Dark theme toggle button - webplayer

The idea consists in having a way to create a button that allows users to toggle between dark and light themes within Spotfire Webplayer This idea was already mentioned by Shandilya Peddi in
3 months ago in Spotfire / User Experience 0 Future Consideration

Remove the requirement for a Metadata URL when configuring the OAuth2 client

When configuring an OAuth2 client in the Spotfire server config GUI, the dialogue will not close unless a Metadata URL is entered. It is incorrect to require this since the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework (RFC 6749) does not require a metadata U...
about 7 hours ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 To be Reviewed

support to load data from csv/txt/excel etc files via FTP protocol

One of our customers would like to have the ability to load data from csv/txt/excel etc files via FTP protocol.
about 22 hours ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 To be Reviewed

retain library id when copy and paste to overwite a library item

We'd like to have an option to retain library id when copy and paste to overwite a library item. e.g. when copy file "/folderA/file1" to folder "/folderB/" which already has file1 in it, a dialog is prompt to select how to deal with duplication, i...
4 days ago in Spotfire / Library 0 To be Reviewed

Improved routing control when Node Managers are experiencing heavy load

We have observed an unusual Spotfire Web Player behavior that creates problems when cluster is exposed to high level of document open operations. It appears that Spotfire is locking in on one single Web Player, even though a dozen or more are avai...
6 days ago in Spotfire / System Administration 1 To be Reviewed

Retrieve the Source information tab from Data table properties

Hi team, It would be very useful to have the ability to retrieve all information found in the Source Information tab of the Data table properties.Currently, we can only retrieve parts of that information using the GenerateSourceView method from th...
5 days ago in Spotfire / API 0 To be Reviewed

Add usl, lsl to violin plot mod

Current version doesn't support add usl, lsl to violin plot. We can't compare with customer spec.
5 days ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 To be Reviewed

Continuous Error Bands

The idea is an error band instead of error bars for continuous data in a line graph like in plotly: "Continuous error bands are a graphical representation of error or uncertainty as a shaded region around a main trace, rather than as discrete whis...
5 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 To be Reviewed