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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2025

want to rotate the label for individual points in the line chart itself vertically rather than horizontally.

You want to rotate the label for individual points in the line chart itself vertically rather than horizontally.

It's a very necessary function

Our department does not have this function, so there is a lot of inconvenience

Please develop it


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    • Admin
      Arnaud Varin
      Feb 11, 2025

      Thank you for your suggestion. I understand that you would like to rotate labels for individual poins in a line chart vertically rather than the default horizontal. May I ask the main reason for this request? Is is to avoid labels overlaps when shown horizontally? Else? Would you prefer full vertical rotation (90°) or just an angled/slanted style for better readability?

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