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Information Services

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Remove dragging of folders in Information Designer

Remove the ability to drag folders to move them in the Information Designer. The function is rarely used deliberately and it's too easy to accidentally move a folder and then struggle to find it again.
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 1 Future Consideration

Add Order By option to Information Designer

It would be helpful to be able to sort an information link before it is brought into a visualization. Currently, you have to open the sql view and add an Order By section at the bottom of the sql which then makes it impossible to change things in ...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access / Information Services 0 Future Consideration

Merging information Link

Add a function to let Spotfire user to build information link from existed informaiton links. Existed information links can be joined using add columns, add rows like we do for data table.
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 Future Consideration

Connecting to Azure SQL database using information links

To implement indirect data sources connections (information links) for Azure SQL Server
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access / Information Services 2 Future Consideration

Data source (including server.default) latency recording

As part of the performance data, it would be very helpful to collect the network latency for open data sources. This should include the Spotfire database (server.default). This will help pinpoint why Spotfire is slow at times.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 Future Consideration

See what was selected after making selections from information link with prompts

If you are setting prompts on an information link if the variable has many unique values, like State for example, you have to scroll through the entire list to review what you selected and it is always in alphabetical order. Either allow for sorti...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access / Information Services 0 Future Consideration

Allow editing of MDX queries through information designer

There are many ways to optmize or improve the load time of information links -- change drivers, modify SQL, change cach, pivot, etc. There are zero options for optimizing connections to cubes. Allowing MDX queries to be edited would be helpful or ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access / Information Services 1 Future Consideration

Optional Prompt in Information Links

I would like for a prompt to be smart enough to known when there is only one option available for a user and to automatically select and use that value instead of prompting the user. We have data that is secured by company and power users that can...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 0 Future Consideration

Ability to Hide or Disable the Data Sources tab in Information Designer

Information Designer users can easily see data sources that have been created by other users using the Data Sources tab in Information Designer. It is often unintentional that teams expose their data sources in this way. It enables and encourages ...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Information Services 4 Future Consideration

Multiple values as prompt type in Input Parameters to Stored Procedure element

Spotfire Information Services should support multiple values as prompt type in Input Parameters to Stored Procedure element.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access / Information Services 0 Future Consideration