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Show the information link specific 'Prompt for Values' dialog using API in Python Scripts

I expects that Table.Refresh() API call (which is an equivalent of the manual Reload Data from professional client) on a data table should show a 'Prompt For Values' dialog if the data table is configured in that way (If you add some prompts to an...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Scripting 0 Future Consideration

Ability to have Auto-zooming with a zoom slider.

I'd like to request that if you are using zoom sliders that you have the option to have the other slider auto-zoom to where data exists. So if you zoom in on the y axis to the top 10% of a scatter plot, then the x axis would auto zoom to the 1 dat...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Future Consideration

WFS Layer in MapChart

I need to visualise geographical from a WFS because they want to be able to mark and filter among markers, polylines or shapes loaded from a remote or local GIS Server. Examples of use: - Show the total flow of oil through selected pipelines - Sho...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration

add capability to allow file I/O access

Please add capability to allow file I/O under management. We have seen lots of use cases that utilize IronPythonscripts (possibly migrate to action mods in the future) to export data to csv, load data from csv, export pdf to file, etc.
7 months ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Use parameters in Scheduled Updates

Hi, It would be very useful to be able to set document parameters in scheduled updates. This way it would be possible to schedule the very same document with different settings. Currently, one has to create as many versions of the dxp as many diff...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / Scheduled Updates 6 Future Consideration

Allow a Cross Table to be a "virtual data table"

Would allow ability to aggregate data and then base visualizations on that aggregated data. Aggregations upon aggregrations get challenging to manage in Spotfire. Thinking this might be a good way to do this without doing it in a database.
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

Make Data Wrangling tool like Tibco Data Science flows and similar tools like Knime or Pentaho Data Integration

To make the data wrangling tool more easy to understand how the data change it would be nice to have flows like Data Science or other tools with this approach, like Knime or Pentaho. Tableau do that in Data Prep. Other possibility it´s to make the...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 1 Future Consideration

Auto Restart of Failed / Crashed Webstatistica Jobs

A watcher type process that monitors Webstatistica jobs that fail, and automatically restarts the failed job from on the windows scheduler. We often see a job that fails, for sometimes innocuous reasons like a DB connectivity timeout, but once the...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Future Consideration

Get setting for empty data in Mod

Spotfire allow users to configure the behaviour of a details visualisation when no items are marked in the master visualisation. In order to completely mimic the behaviour of a native Spotfire visualisation a Mod needs know that the user has confi...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire / Mods 0 Future Consideration

Add Connectivity to Canary Data Historian

As an oil & gas client, we collect millions of data points from field/plant automation points through Cygnet and store data in the Canary data historian - a NoSQL timeseries database. Canary suggests using the ODBC driver to connect to Spotfir...
7 months ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration