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option to make sure Analyst always use bundled ADO.NET driver for TDV

Please add option to make sure Analyst always use bundled ADO.NET driver for TDV when loading data via TDV connector, in order to avoid unintended / unsupported version of driver being used. Currently if ADO.NET driver for TDV is installed to the ...
13 days ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 To be Reviewed

TERR Data functions persistent session

It would be good if TERR data functions implement a mechanism to persist a TERR session. I mean, execute a TERR data function that receives data (massive data) and be able to persist that session so any other TERR data function would get access to...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R 0 Future Consideration
130 VOTE

Support temporary tables in data connections

When retrieving on-demand data Spotfire's information designer supports creating temporary tables to avoid huge WHERE clauses (link) which can not only be a performance issue but infact hinder a query from being executed completelly. Temporary tab...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 5 Future Consideration

Export managed as a right on resources

For a user (Consumer), the export right is global. For some sensitive data, Export should be forbiden from the dashboard for some Consumers, but alloed for some consumers with a specivic license. But the export should remain possible for dashboard...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Library 1 Future Consideration
168 VOTE

Lock DXP for Editing

Need dxp files to be locked when editing, so others can not overwrite changes that someone else has made. In other applications, when a user opens a file, it will lock the file so nothing else can save over it until the lock is released. We need t...
almost 6 years ago in Spotfire / Library 5 Likely to implement

Allow authentication tokens to be passed to external URLs when rendering images from cells

Currently if images in table cells are sourced from a URL which requires authentication (e.g. S3 bucket), then it's not possible to pass existing credentials to the URL. For example if using OpenID to connect, the expectation is that the access to...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 4 Likely to implement
246 VOTE

Background images in visualizations

Authors would like to add watermarks, transparency, gradients or other background images to visualization to signal ownership, ensure that exported tables and visualizations are not changed, indicate that a visualization is still being drafted or ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 7 Future Consideration
199 VOTE

Export to PPT from automation services.

Add export from PPT in automation services. Just like PDF option.
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Automation Services 2 Future Consideration

always show axis labels

We understand that if the width of visualization area is too small then the lablels of X axis is not shown. This makes it difficult to understand the graph. Customer is asking for more flexible ways to make sure labels on axis is always shown as m...
14 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 To be Reviewed

Allow user control of line chart x and y axis delineation of major grid lines

As an engineer in the oil & gas industry, I am used to seeing line charts of historical production trends on a logarithmic scale. What Spotfire does not allow if for me to determine the frequency of gridlines: on the value axis and the start v...
27 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 To be Reviewed