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Data function does not have option to enable/disable prompting

Unlike tables from data sources, the data tables from data functions have their 'Prompt for new settings before loading' check box disabled. This means that we have no real control on when a data function prompts users for new settigns! It would b...
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / API / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Sort on Modified By, Size or description in the Spotfire 10 Library browser

When I browse for an Analysis file, Data connection, Information link, Data function etc, I need to be able to sort library assets based on Modified By, their Size or the Description. And I need to see which criteria it is sorted on. This was poss...
almost 5 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Removing _Recent Analysis_ history upon client load

Previously opened analyses may have been renamed in source file but History is still showing old names, which may be confusing to users. Recommend having an option to clear Recent Analyses showing - see attached.
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

Cross Tables with Horizontal Axis and standalone columns

Cross tables are of course a very important visualization type in spotfire. And the horizontal axis is a very useful component of it. The difficulty is, that you cannot have both independent columns and columns associated with the horizontal axis....
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

In-Report Language Localization Support

As a Canadian company, many of our reports have to built bilingual. To support this endeavor, we often need to build twice the report just to have actual text (such as titles) that needs to be localized. We would like to have an easier way to supp...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 5 Future Consideration

Customizable tooltip in Cross Table

Add customization to the tooltip in cross tables the same way they are customizable in a scatter plot. I frequently have other data (structure, source, standard deviation, etc) that I would like to show the end user on mouse over of a cell, but th...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 4 Future Consideration

Google BigQuery API Timeout after 10 seconds

We have run into an issue which will stop us to develop any valuable datasets in Spotfire. So the situation is the following: When I run a query based on a table definition Spotfire kicks out a bigquery#table job which runs fine with no issues Whe...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 2 Future Consideration

Static filters in in-database connectors (remove rows)

It should be possible to filter out rows based on an expression as global filter attributes. E.g. CREATED date > sysdate-365 or ROW_NUM<1000001 (Useful when debugging queries that have long run time to load a data subset
about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

Ability to clear all saved personal states of an analysis

As a report developer I usually select the option "Remember personalized view for each web client user" to allow users to keep filter settings, selected page, etc, between sessions and scheduled refreshes. But I would like to have the option to cl...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 1 Future Consideration

replace the Spotfire container middleware Tomcat with TongWeb Pas or other china middleware container

Hi tibco team as the Chinese market is now heavily pushing forward with the "XinChuang" policy (a general understanding is that all operating systems, databases, and middleware layers use domestically produced software in China) due to the coun...
3 months ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Future Consideration