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Spotfire Ideas Portal


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Improve performance of query retrieving user authorization for more than 300% by removing order by statement

We discovered a Spotfire query that retrieves user authorization, which has the highest cost and is used more than 400 times an hour on our system. It contains an "order by" statement. If this statement is removed it performs 300% faster. Although...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 7 Future Consideration

MacOS Spotfire Analyst Client

Will there ever be a Spotfire Analyst client for the MacOS? Installing a VM isn't always ideal, and I'd rather have a true native client. Most of my team members are running Macs as well, and it would ease in our deployment if a MacOS version was ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 8 Future Consideration

CLI or API to automate Update/Migrate Services & Update Node Managers

We have pretty much automated all the steps to apply hotfixes to our Spotfire servers except automating updating node managers and update/migrate services. I have asked this question before when we were using Spotfire version 7.0.0 and the answer ...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 4 Future Consideration

Reliable distro files naming convention

We had invested a lot of effort into building automations that would allow upgrade Spotfire quickly. Every such upgrade process starts with new distro files as inputs. But for some reason, distro filename convention keeps changing and it breaks o...
2 months ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Future Consideration

Spotfire Server - Make the upgradetool.bat keep previous service parameters

I would expect from an upgrade tool where an input on the previous installation folder is required, to copy over to the new Spotfire Server the settings from the previous installation. This is especially relevant for the JvmMs and JvmMx settings, ...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Future Consideration

Change backend version of packages to match the dxp version imported

The current behavior is when you import and save a dxp package; say the spotfire client dxp. it adds/updates all the sub components to some random updating verison number. For example; spotfire client 14.3.0 hf-001 says the automation service vers...
9 months ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Future Consideration

Enable install and cli install option for TERR package path

By default Spotfire 11.x and 12.x sets the default TERR package path to C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\TIBCO\Spotfire Spotfire 14.x sets the default TERR package path to C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Spotfire I am requesting the spotfire cl...
9 months ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 To be Reviewed

all-in-one Spotfire Server installer

Please bundle PostgreSQL in Spotfire Server's installer and make it possible to install a new environment with a few clicks. Currently one must do followings step by step, (1) install PostgreSQL (2) edit and run create_database.bat (3) install Spo...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Likely to implement

Spotfire Server - Official procedure for refreshing databases

Could TIBCO provide some official guidance on how to refresh a Spotfire database in the Test environment with data from Production environment? As per the issues seen and the information received, there is no such guidance in place. IDs are carrie...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 2 Future Consideration

MS Edge on Mac OS

Currently TIBCO Spotfire Supports only for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari in MAC machines. Our account will be moving away from Google Chrome soon, so we need Tibco help to check on MS Edge compatibility with Spotfire on MAC machines. Syst...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 1 Unlikely to implement