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MS Edge on Mac OS

Currently TIBCO Spotfire Supports only for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari in MAC machines. Our account will be moving away from Google Chrome soon, so we need Tibco help to check on MS Edge compatibility with Spotfire on MAC machines. Syst...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 1 Unlikely to implement

Support Commen Table Expression (WITH) in data connection custom query

Commen Table Expresion (CTE) is currently not supported in the custom query. This would allow users to use temporary result set within the execution scope. We usually handle this with a store procedure, but its an issue on databases we are not all...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 6 Future Consideration

Spotfire Connector to Power BI XMLA EndPoints

Our organization uses a lot of Spotfire but there are other BI Tools in use, particularly Power BI. Our Spotfire teams of late have been getting asked to connect to what are referred to as "XMLA Endpoints". Power BI workspaces use an "XMLA endpoin...
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

"RequestTimeout" and "ConnectionTimeout" parameters on the Spotfire Connector UI

We found that Spotfire Connector UI don't have any parameter to specific the "RequestTimeout" and "ConnectionTimeout" yet. TS_10.10.3.13 LTS HF-016: Hotfix for TIBCO Spotfire® 10.10.x (Released: May 31, 2021) TSDC-6625 - Added timeouts for the TIB...
over 3 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

Allow a combination chart with bar and scatter (or allow linewidth=0) types. Make one y-axis log scale.

Trying to make a plot like the attached image with a bar chart, and corresponding a scatter plot overlaid in log scale.
over 1 year ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

monitoring Python Service node performance

Please add functionality to monitoring Python Service node performance. e.g. (1) write cpu/memory/etc usage to log files under nm/logs folder. (2) write cpu/memory/etc usage to user action log.
about 2 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration

define a default domain name for the document approval in SDMS/Enterprise Manager

For windows standard users, it is very strange to enter the username with prefixed domain
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 To be Reviewed

Visualization Gridlines Formatting

I want darker gridlines. Current gridlines are very light in color and there is no formatting option either, to increase the thickness of gridlines.
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Delegate CIFS to sharepoint online

Now,The SharePoint online Kerberos delegation is not working cause we cannot setup CIFS for fileshare. It would be great if we can setup CIFS to SharePoint online for refresh data on web player.
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Access 0 Future Consideration

Paste a list of values into ListBoxFilters

It would be very handy for users if they are able to paste a list of values into a ListBoxFilter. An example use case would be the following: A user wants to copy a list of values from an Excel spreadsheet. They select the values by press Ctrl + C...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Filters 1 Future Consideration