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Spotfire Statistica

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Extend options for export of Statistica workbooks as html

Customers want to add more options to Workbook export, especially with SVB method Workbook.ExportHTML() a) Font settings for the explorer view in the html document. b) Export graphs in alternative graph formats, e.g. *.svg c) Scaling % of fonts an...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Add Python to code export

Ability to export models into Python code. To be concrete, I am asking about deploying models within Python scripts so they can integrate Statistica models into this popular deployment language.
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Query spreadsheet node (advance query builder) enhancement

When you use Query spreadsheeds (advance query builder) environment, you are limited to set of basic SQL statements (due to StaOLEDB provider?). I propose to enhance its functionalities to use more SQL statements and functions which are not suppor...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Future Consideration

Add option to enable adding/removing pieces to apply across separators

Currently, you can add or remove pieces within a particular section of a data entry setup. If there are multiple sections (divided by separators) that have pieces, the other section do not automatically have their pieces added or deleted according...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Add missing risk distribution

Create tool with automatic mechanism to choosing best risk model with visualisation all possibilities and criteria for model selection. Also please add some new distribution: Log-Gama, Log-logistic, Inverse Gaussian, Gompertz distribution.It is ve...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Create a user interactive Case Selection Node or enhance Set Case States node

We would specifically benefit from allowing end users to select either specific cases or specific codes interactively during workspace execution. Based on the selected cases or codes some basic actions could be taken, like filtering the spreadshee...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Add Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) in Regression ML Algorithm Nodes

Performance metrics are extremely limited for modeling continuous target variables - i.e. regression problems. MAPE is a very useful statistic for comparing model performance.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 To be Reviewed

Delete sample option should delete primary and matching sample at the same time.

Deleting primary sample should ideally delete primary and matching samples at the same time. With current situation, there is no option to delete primary sample unless matching sample is deleted.
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

WebStatistica Jobs need a priority option

Please add an option to enforce high-priority jobs, i.e., an SWS_Admin should be able to reserve a specific statCF.exe (LL) process for a specific high-priority job. Without such option, we observed problems where time consuming low priority jobs ...
about 6 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 0 Future Consideration

Add XGboost Tree to extend the data mining/machine learning capability in Statistica

Current data mining/machine learning in Statistica is okay but not enough, there is no latest or advanced classification algorithm available which is 1)not competitive with open source/ some other vendors 2) performance will be improved if introdu...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 To be Reviewed