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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 7, 2018

Description and Title text in visualizations when populated by properties

You can use properties to populate the description or title bar.  I frequently use this with Unique Values pulldown.  However frequently the value of the pulldown is not plain language.  It would be nice to be able to select whether the value or the label appears.

Current example:  I have a pulldown property control with Labels and values:

Label Value  
Benchmark         ap_benchmark  
AAA ap_benchmark_aaa  
AAA Non Call ap_benchmark_aaa_ncal  


The label values are much better for using in Titles and Descriptions

(I am currently working in 6.0 but have experience all the way up to 7.11 and don't believe this has changed in later versions)

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