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Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2016

Add support for writing TERR expression functions that behave as aggregation methods

Indicate if your expression function is an aggregation function or not, that would be great."

Implemented in 7.7
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2016

    This is correct, and the functionality is now part of Spotfire 7.7. When you create a TERR Expression Function, you will have the option to tag it as an Aggregation function, which will make it usable in all the places where an aggregation function logically fits, such as creating the axis of a visualization. Previously, all Expression Functions were column functions. (Column functions return the same number of rows as the input, whereas an aggregation function aggregates the input values into a single output value.)

  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2016

    I see this has been set to Implemented again.

    If this is correct, please give me some details, or a link so I can understand.


  • Admin
    Tobias Lehtipalo
    Aug 13, 2016

    Sorry. We accidentally changes the status of this one. This functionality is not available yet. 

  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2016

    How is this implemented?