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Spotfire Ideas Portal
141 VOTE
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2016

User friendly messages when user can´t open an analysis on the web

When a user follows a link to a Spotfire analysis that can´t be loaded or can only be partially loaded they should be told specifically what the problem is and who to contact about the problem. Spotfire should also make it easy to contact the right person and pass along all the information needed to resolve the issue.

At least the following common problems should be covered: 

  • User does not have permission to view the analysis
  • User does not have a license to web consumption
  • The analysis does not exist
  • An information link in the analysis cannot be loaded because
    • The information link does not exist
    • The user does not have access to an information element in the information link
    • An information link in the analysis failed to load because the user did not have permission
  • A data source does not return data because
    • The data source has reached the maximum number of connections it can handle
    • The data source is not available
    • The user does not have permission to read data from the data source
  • Linked data points to a file path or other system resource that is not available. 

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2016

    We are actually trying to automate this by emailing the user when we see an error on the logs. We are trying to even take a step further and tell the user how to raise the internal request to get access to the reports that they tried to access and don't have permissions for.


Spotfire Web Player - Customize Web Player error messages

I would se a great use for the Web Player to be able to display customized error messages, at least for the "File '/Path/To/Library/Report' not found or access is denied" message type. The administrator could provide some useful information to the...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire / User Experience 0 Future Consideration