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Spotfire Ideas Portal
148 VOTE
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2016

Reset zoom slider when data changes in a visualization

If the zoom slider is enabled the  axis will not automatically readjust if you remove a data point, changes the filtering or marking that determines what data is shown in a visualization.

For instance, I have an outlier at 100 but most of my data is around 5. When I look at a bar chart the range will be out to 100. When the zoom slider is on, when I remove the point at 100 by marking and then choosing Marked Rows, Filter Out , the scale will stay at 100. What I expect, and what happens when I don't have the zoom slider on, is that the scale will readjust to the data points in the visualization.

Implemented in 7.13
    Jun 28, 2018

    The plots now (Spotfire 7.13)  autozooms when filtering etc, if the zoom sliders are at the end of their range.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2018

    Please find here a related topic "Automatically add and adjust zoom slider to show all category labels in bar charts"

  • Guest
    Jun 27, 2018

    Spotfire 7.13 seems to now have auto zoom reset on data changes. Woot!

  • Guest
    Jun 25, 2018

    For category axis in visualizations it is often needed that category labels on the axis should be shown. If you have lots of category labels, then you need to use zoom slider so that labels have enough space to be rendered.

    If you now change filters and reduce or increase number of categories to be shown on the bar chart, you have to manually adjust the zoom slider so that all category labels have enough space and are shown again.

    There should be an option for Category Axis to auto-add and auto-adjust a zoom slider, so that bars have the optimal size for rendering the category label of the bars.

    See attached screenshot to illustrate the problem with category labels not show.

  • Guest
    Sep 3, 2017

    This should be the case with range filter as well. 

  • Guest
    Aug 28, 2017

    Vivek, The zoom slider needs to be reset every time the Hierarchy  level (Placed as a Hierarchy Slider) on the X axis is changed.  The page navigation option can not be used here. 

  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2017


    You can attach script on page navigation. Any time page is navigated the backend Python script will reset bar charts.

    Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typo/s.

  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2017

    Raised 18 months ago... still not fixed.

    This sort of thing should be considered 'basics' - not an 'enhancement' or 'new idea'. It's the lack of focus on little details like these which means Spotfire lacks 'polish' in some areas.

  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2017
    I am using a Hierarchy Slider ( Date, Month , Year) on the X axis of a bar chart. The X and Y axis both have Zoom Sliders. After the hierarchy slider is changed, the Zoom sliders do not reset . Please assist with a solution.  

    P.S We do not need a button/ link for reset. It should be an automatic behavior.

  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2017

    although i agree to this change completely, i believe that visualisation property needs to be optional. sometimes you don't want to lose that context of outliers and how large they actually are.

  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2016

    Somewhat related use case. Would like to be able to set one end of the zoom slider to a fixed value, while the other end automatically adjusts when filtering or adding new data. Example is when using date/time on the x-axis and you want to zoom out the left end of a chart (i.e., hide older dates, which might be used in an axis expression but should not be displayed) while keeping automatic zoom for the right end (to ensure new data appears when analysis is reloaded).