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Zoom Slider Visualisation Redraw after slider outside of min max range

When the min or max range for an axis is changed with a zoom slider, the graph is nor redrawn, if the slider is outside of the new range.

But if the slider is still within range, the slider is re-positioned.

It can be confusing that the slider can be out of range, and the graph not redrawn, until the slider is manual moved within range.

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    • Admin
      Tobias Lehtipalo
      Aug 19, 2016

      Thanks for the example Simon. I see the problem now. 

    • Guest
      Aug 15, 2016

      Attached is a simple demo.  The Y axis has a zoom slider, and a max value for that y axis of 5000.  If you change this to say 2000, the Y axis still displays 5000, and only changes when the slider is moved down.  This can be seen by moving the slider down only a bit each time, until you go below 2000.  Can this be automatically redrawn to 2000 (or whatever the min and max is) as soon as the properties is closed?

    • Admin
      Tobias Lehtipalo
      Aug 13, 2016

      I´m not sure I understand the behavior you are describing and how you want it to work. Would it be possible for you to create a scenario using a small sample dataset and a visualization. It´s easier to following along if you describe the specific steps needed to re-create the behavior and describe how that differs from what you want to see in a specific case.