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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Planning to implement
Product Spotfire
Categories Maps
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 5, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-145 Provide more shape options and ability to add custom shapes.

Custom Icons/Markers in Maps

The icons available to use as markers on a map or scatter plot can be used for a lot of maps, but sometimes you want something more descriptive as the icon. Sometimes you want a logo of a store, or a truck or a bus to represent vehicles on the road.

I think users should be able to upload GIF and PNG files as icons. Furthremore, I think they should also be support for scalable graphics, specifically SVG.


Spotfire Customized Map Chart Icon

To be able to customize mapchart icon other than the default options. Very common and basic feature for other BI tools. For instance, change the data point icon to a vehicle or an aircraft. How are we going to visualize the streaming traffic data ...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Planning to implement