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Color scatterplot line connection

Expected: Be able to apply color scheme to line connections as well as markers in scatter plot.

Two requests:

The color of "Line Connection of scatter plot" is only black, however, often I want to change it according to the color of plot.


I think we couldn't change color setting of Line color of Scatter Plot when we use 'Line Connection' function.

I would like to change the color by column.
My mage is ,, now there is only one color status 'Color by:' in Legend , I would like to add 'Line Color by:'
Implemented in 3.3
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    5 MERGED

    Ability to set the color for the line connection

    I would like for there to be a way to set connection line colors to the "Color By" setting for scatterplots.
    almost 9 years ago in Spotfire 0 Implemented