Is there a way to wrap long text which has no spaces inside as headers for Table columns, so they are legible without making the column very wide?.
Properties - Appearance setting that specify several lines for headers do not work probably because there is no space indicating where to break the words.
I have to use text without spaces as column header because the Table is an input to a Data Function (Matlab) which cannot handle variable names with spaces.
Tibco Community Support (Sean Riley) suggested I contact you. See also:
This is done for example by setting the row height in the appearance tab. I tis documented here:
If it's already implemented, can we please get an explanation on how to do that in the documentation?
Thanks Stephen, that is a good point. I tried it and I think it works as expected there as well, you can see the screenshot attached.
this is about wrapping text not only in headers but in the content. I don’t see that in the screenshot?
Michel, Stephen - If I understand the request correctly I do think this works in later Spotfire versions. Please see the attached Screenshot and let me know if this does/does not solve the issue?
I agree, wrap text would be a great option for a number of the table visualisations, and in tooltips. I raised something similar ;-)