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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 6, 2016

Better display of long strings in tables

Enhancement submitted by Rich Ellis at Medtronic Inc. (Minneapollis, SP):

I have an analysis where long-form text data (1000+ characters) is used in 2 of the columns. Right now the only way I have found to display that data is to increase the row height or to hover over the cell and wait for the tooltip with the entire string to display. Neither of these approaches works wells, though: the increased row height wastes a lot of screen space and sometimes still doesn't display all of the text, and the tooltip only displays for a few seconds so the user has to constantly jiggle the mouse cursor in and out of the cell to keep it displayed.

I was hoping for the ability to add a scrollbar to the cell or some way to pop up a tooltip-like display as soon as the cursor hovers over the cell and consistently stays active. Perhaps something like this could be implemented as a separate renderer in the Columns tab of the Table Properties.

Implemented in 11.0
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  • Guest
    Dec 21, 2020

    Here's a variation for displaying long text that we at Genentech would find useful: Have a setting that adapts each row's height to be tall enough to display all the text.