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279 VOTE
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2016


Need ability to format a KPI box including text size. It is great combined with the automation services, but when you can view the description on the KPI chart you lose the value of what you are presenting. I would ideally like to be able to control the size of the box, the size of the text, have custom sorting, and most important the number of boxes per row.


Great visualization with no customizing yet.

Implemented in 14.0
    Nov 7, 2023

    Starting with Spotfire 14.0 LTS, an array of enhancements to the KPI chart grant report developers with more control over its visual layout and formatting. Here is what's in store:

    • Start each KPI on a new row: Force each KPI within a KPI chart to begin on a new row to improve distinction between KPIs and enhance visual clarity.

    • Customizable font: Edit the base font style and size to ensure consistent visibility of content.

    • Dynamic tile width: Adjust tiles width relative to the font size to ensure KPI tiles content is showcased optimally.

    • Minimum number of visible tiles per row: Ensure the layout retains its design integrity, irrespective of view dimensions.

    • Minimum number of visible tiles: Ensure that a number of tiles remain visible when resizing the view.

    These settings harmoniously interact to make the KPI chart perfect for report developers seeking to convey essential metrics and performance indicators effectively, in a clear and concise way.

    Learn more about what's new in Spotfire 14.0 LTS

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2023

    Is there any plan about when any of those mentioned will be fixed anytime soon? KPI is a nice feature, but the lack of basic customization, such as size and font change, makes it less user-friendly.

  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2022

    Definitely needed as KPI visualization is far from flexible as of now

  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2022

    The ability to change the formatting of the KPI boxes is a capability that we are asked about frequently by our report author community, and would be a very high value enhancement.

  • Guest
    Mar 23, 2021

    I would even add to possibly auto format the Text to the KPI area size. An example would be if you make the KPI area smaller, the individual KPI's will shrink

  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2020

    The KPI box sometimes is too big for the visualization, it would be nice to adjust the size of the box according to other visualizations' size

  • Guest
    Jul 20, 2020

    Lot of those how are seeing the dashboards would notice the large fonts of the KPI chart. Hope it can be resolve soon.

  • Guest
    May 21, 2020

    Very much needed by many of my customers. Please implement this asap. Thanks.

  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2020

    This will be very useful ,if we have long text

    will appreciate if we can have the customization available

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2019

    agreed. these features should be a given if users are to be able to display all the KPI's without having appearance restrictions. 

  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2018

    I would also really like the ability to change KPI tile height!

  • Guest
    Jul 31, 2018

    Agreed on this - adjusting width is great, but as I and my dashboard users switch between screens (laptop, desktop), it adjusts to nearly unusable levels. Would really like to see adjustments to font (in particular auto-adjust) and height. As with width, there should be some natural limit where it gets clipped, of course.

  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2018

    This is marked as under consideration but is there anything happening with this?   Being able to do some of these basic things are really needed with this visualization.

  • Guest
    Nov 22, 2017

    The biggest issue with the KPI is that the height doesn't adjust with screen resolutions.   This makes them completely unusable when using fit to window because is simply looks extremely poor for any screen resolution other than the one you are using in development.   It would be helpful to be able to adjust the height and/or have an option to lock the height of the visualization regardless of resolution to avoid this problem.

  • Guest
    Nov 15, 2016



    Yes I think font for each section of the KPI would be important. My company isn't rolling out 7.7, we are waiting until 7.8, but the width control of the buttons sounds like a big upgrade.

  • Admin
    Niklas Amberntsson
    Nov 11, 2016

    Chad - am I right in thinking it is the font size that is the most important customization you see? Sorting of the KPIs is supported and it is since 7.7 possible to set a minimum width of the KPI which lets you control how many per row there are given the available screen size.

  • Admin
    Niklas Amberntsson
    Nov 11, 2016

    This is improved in 7.7 by the ability to set the minimum widt per tile, thus allowing more control of the the space each KPI needs.

  • Guest
    Sep 15, 2016

    attached is an example of where any formatting would help



Ability to resize KPI Chart Tile based on the requirement

There's no option to increase or reduce the size of tiles in KPI chart . Better use of real estate.
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Implemented

KPI tile ability to set font details per element such as title, value, tile-by

Now we can only set the font characteristics for the description 9which does not work). I'd like to be able to set the fond details for all elements shown in a tile
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Implemented

Increase KPI Font Size

Actually the KPI font size is not possible change it
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Implemented