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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Planning to implement
Product Spotfire
Categories Maps Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-5123 Allow custom markers.

Use custom images on Map Charts instead of default marker shape. Merged

Have the ability to add custom images to use on a map rather than the standard square, triangle, or circle.

  • Guest
    Mar 17, 2021

    <##Sorry ! Accidentally saved the previous comment when editing and lost my internet connection ##>

    When I give Spotfire Training classes, this is one of the biggest criticisms I get about Spotfire Maps! (The same criticism also applies to Scatter Plot Shapes!).

    It is also something I have also encountered when I am working as a Consultant:

    I am sure that this inability to simply add an Icon or Shapes Column to a Map and display a Picture or Icon as the Shape, has caused rejection of Spotfire Map use in the past.

    Seriously, adding this functionality could mean that I never hear the following remark again ..

    "When my CEO wants to see Our Company Standard Symbols or Icons displayed on a Map - I had better find a Software app that does it! ( and of course the Power BI developers will always claim they can do everything ???!!!) it could be by-bye to Spotfire!"

  • Guest
    Mar 17, 2021

    Wen I give Spotfire Training classes, this is one of the biggest criticisms I get about Spotfire Maps! (The same criticism also applies to Scatter Plot Shapes!).

    It is also something I have also encountered when I am working as a Consultant:

    I am sure that this inability to simply add an Icon or Shapes Column to a Map and display a Picture or Icon as the Shape, has caused rejection of Spotfire Map use in the past.

    Seriously, adding this functionality could mean that I neverhear the following remark again ..
    "When my CEO wants to see Our Company Standard Symbols or Icons displayed on a Map - I had better find a Software app that does it! ( and of course the Power BI developers will always claim they can do everything ???!!!) it could be by-bye to Spotfire!"

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2016

    Would also love some more flexibility on color/border/etc.