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151 VOTE
Status Planning to implement
Product Spotfire
Categories Maps Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 31, 2016

Allow custom markers

Is should be possible to upload and use custom markers. For instance in map layer, it would be nice to have specific icons displayed e.g. Service Van, House, Wind turbine etc. 

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  • Guest
    Aug 15, 2023

    Add a way to import custom markers into your visualization. Such as symbols or different fonts.

  • Guest
    May 17, 2022

    @Jason, you're correct - run in open-source R, and import as .shp.

  • Guest
    May 16, 2022

    So did you run this code on standard R and then import the shapefile?

    I get errors when trying to run this via TERR.

  • Guest
    May 2, 2022

    You could also consider using centered labels that are images rather than text. I've successfully used that for drilling rigs before.

  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2021

    Forgot the credits where it's much due 😅

    Special thanks to the [R Core team](, [tidyverse](, and [sf]( authors.

  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2021

    While we continue waiting for the dev team to add this as a core function, here's a workaround for those familiar with R programming language.

    This particular use case draws a drilling rig as the custom marker.

    For other use cases, unleash the creative artist in you! I'm sure some other users will appreciate/use the work ya'll share :)

    # `data_raw` is a spatial data frame with latitude and longitude; in this case in CRS 4326

    data_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(data_raw, coords = c("lng", "lat"), crs = 4326)

    # Munge default geometry object, which is a point

    # First, get it out as vectors

    lng_lat <- lapply(data_sf$geometry, as.vector)

    # The key _drawing_ function for a drilling rig; a minimalist artist I am, as you'll see :)

    draw_rig <- function(mid_x, step_x, mid_y, step_y) {

    max_y <- min_y <- mid_y - 3 * step_y

    min_x <- mid_x - 3 * step_x

    max_x <- mid_x + 3 * step_x

    rig <- sf::st_linestring(


    c(min_x, mid_x, mid_x + step_x, mid_x - step_x, mid_x + 2 * step_x, mid_x + step_x, mid_x - 2 * step_x, mid_x + 2 * step_x, max_x),

    c(min_y, mid_y, mid_y - step_y, mid_y - step_y, mid_y - 2 * step_y, mid_y - step_y, mid_y - 2 * step_y, mid_y - 2 * step_y, max_y))




    # Apply _drawing_ function; step_x and step_y are set based on personal taste and affect the size of marker in map

    lng_lat_sf <- purrr::map(


    ~ draw_rig (

    mid_x = .x[[1]],

    step_x = 0.167 / 2,

    mid_y = .x[[2]],

    step_y = 0.334 / 2



    # Convert back to sf object

    data_sf$geometry <- sf::st_as_sfc(lng_lat_sf)

    # Save as .shp file for .dxp import




    driver = "ESRI Shapefile",

    delete_layer = TRUE


  • Guest
    May 18, 2020

    Similar use-case: I would like to modify the map-markers if a certain condition is met in a column


    The map marker is a blue circle because the Feature is a House, and that circle is outlined in red because it is a House and its Latitude is greater than 29.756


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