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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SPF-I-649 Remove "All" and "None" from filters.

Remove the (None) option from the radio button filters since it is never user

Radio button filters always include the option (None). This makes the filter larger than it needs to be and also adds potential confusion for users "What does that mean? When would you use that?". Selecting the (None) option will remove all data from that data table, leaving visualizations empty.

There are several customer requests to hide this option (TS-21400), to make dashboards look nicer. However, as this option never seems to be used, I recommend that we remove it altogether. As the attached image shows, this option is not used to represent invalid values that are no longer available after data refresh. If a previously selected value in a radio button filter is missing after data reload, then none of the radio buttons are selected, and the filter retains the invalid value.

There is an existing enhancement from DXP v1.0 that explains how the (None) option in the radio button was intended to work (TS-13903). Basically only show this option when an invalid value is set, and show that value instead of the generic (None). As soon as the user selects a valid value instead, the invalid value should be removed. But this sounds like a bigger effort. Simply removing the unused option sounds like a quick solution.

Results: All radio button filters includes a redundant (None) option that is never used.

Expected: That there is no (None) option.
Implemented in 11.2