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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 13, 2022

Provide text search in data configs, svb, and Enterprise Manager tree

Heavy users manage a large number of queries inside data configs and svb code within analyses. Currently, if I need to change a table or field name in queries or change an include file or coding technique throughout my system of analyses, I may have to manually open and read through hundreds of queries and svb nodes to find the bits I want to change. I may want to ask my system "Which analyses use table X and what is the impact if I decide to upgrade it?" This kind of activity has taken me many hours, repeatedly, and is prone to errors and missing instances of text that I would want to change or catalog. Please provide a text search function. I feel this is a necessary feature. Additionally, it would be helpful but less critical to be able to search for a data config or analysis name to find it in the tree. It is easy to accidentally drag a folder and it disappears into another level and is then hard to find. I might also want to find all folders with the name including "liquid" for instance. I'm currently using Statistica 14.0 on behalf of a pharmaceutical company. Thank you!
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