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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 13, 2018

Allow import of multiple CSVs in one workspace node

We've often have a situation where data split out into several CSV or Excel files with the exact same structure.  Currently I have to create a separate workspace node to import each CSV, then use the existing merge nodes to combine them.  I'd like a node that would just run through all CSV files in a given directory, import and combine them into a single Statistica spreadsheet.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 12, 2019

    I agree having an optional field for naming conventions would help us as well.

  • Guest
    Dec 12, 2019

    I am proposing to implement this in the Import Text node, when you will have definition of import in the same way as now based on one file. But in addition there would be option to load more CSVs from some directory (possibly with checkbox to search in directories inside the chosen folder), in addition there should be string definition of name convention for merged files, like measures*.csv for all files started measures and ending .csv. This parameter would be useful e.g. in data functions from Spotfire when used can choose which data files need to be merged for his/her analysis.